txdem.co/March-23-Resolutions - Reso & Rules Platform for 2024 County/CD Conventions
Rules Proposals, Resolutions, and Platform Recommendations are located on the "Rules, Resos, Platform Recs" Tab in Number Order (Type, Category)
Rules Proposals, Resolutions, and Platform Recommendations are located on the "By County" Tab in County, CD, then Number Order (Type, Category)
If you as an eligible Democrat who would like to sponsor another person's Rule Proposal, Resolution, or Platform Recommendation from a different convention, you may do so at txdem.co/March-23-Local-Sponsor and its form output sheet will be available on the "Local Sponsor Form Responses" in Chronological order at the bottom (not manually sorted, newer), but by County/CD at the top (manually sorted).
Please do not locally sponsor a reso rule plat item that is already sponsored/filed by someone that has sponsored it at your convention because it only needs one person to sponsor/file at a convention. Trying to de-dupe the multiple sponsors creates extra work & time for the conventions & committees — Thanks!
To view all Rules, Resolutions, and Platform items as word docs, click on the link in the "Rules, Resos, Platform Recs" & "By County" Tab OR go to the main folder at txdem.co/March-23-Folder . The folder has a master Word and PDF of of all 351 Rules, Resolutions, and Platform Items, as well as a folder for each filled with each individual item (direct two links below).
https://txdem.co/March-23-PDF - ALL statewide filed in one PDF
https://txdem.co/March-23-Word-Doc - ALL statewide filed in one Word doc
Reminder for Convention Chairs, Rules Chairs, and Resolutions & Platform Chairs - Your Committees and Convention only has to take up the Rules/Resolutions & Platform items that:
1. Were filed for your County/CD Convention (e.g. Travis County Convention has to take up any filers from CDs 10, 17, 21, 35, & 37), which are organized on the By County tab;
2. Have a local sponsor for your County/CD on the Local Sponsor Form tab;
3. Have a local sponsor in person for any of the items on the Rules, Resos, Platform Recs tab
4. Have an in-person delegate bring or email a resolution/rule/platform to you up until your convention sets a deadline to recieve any new or local resolutions

Bottom line is that it's unrealistic and unlikely that your committees and convention is able to deal with all 351 items. So, please just take up what is appropriately sponsored.

And remember that Rules go to the Rules Committee and Resolutions & Platform go to the Resolutions and platform committee.