2022 Requesting a list of state delegates
If you are running for any convention or party office up at convention, you may request a list of delegates. Other requests, such as for non-SD Caucus purposes, may also request.

Delegate lists will be sent out starting the week of April 25th, if approved.

You must request the list through this application and you must agree to the stipulations set forth here.

-- This list is ONLY for communicating with other delegates to the state convention about convention activities, voting and related business.

--  I will not share this list with any other person, candidate, campaign or organization. This list will only be shared with those assisting me in my campaign and they will agree to what I agree to.

-- If not for a campaign but for a non-SD Caucus, non-electoral purpose, the list may only be used for purposes of the convention caucus.

--  I understand this list may be seeded with names and emails of non-delegate persons to track misuse of this list.

--  I agree that if this list is used for purposes other than related to the Texas Democratic Convention or that if I share this list inappropriately, I am liable for civil damages up to $5000.

-- If I wish to have exceptions to this agreement, that will need to be done by official request by emailing politicalhelp@txdemocrats.org.

--  I have answered the question in this survey agreeing that I understand this policy.
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Do you agree to the language above? *
Senate District *
County *
First Name *
Middle Name
Last Name *
Suffix (Jr., Sr., III, II, etc.)
Name (First and Last) as you want it on ballot *
Please do not put Dr., Ms., Mr., Mrs. etc. or any nicknames you are not known by
Office(s) Sought or other reason for list request (If you have not already filed for an office or if you are ineligible) or List Reason in Other *
Email *
Cell Phone or other phone *
City *
State *
Zip *
Street Address *
VUID (On Voter Registration Card)
Date of Birth *
If any, who are the people who will be assisting you with your campaign (Name, Email, Phone Number, County, SD, City) -- i.e., others who will be handling this list?
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